Bentley Loren

DOB: October 11
Hometown: Savannah, TN
Cruzin South Magazine Fall 09, Teaseum Bikini Model, PAS Mag Girl 09, and beating Sam at a game of strip pool!!!:)
Running, Hiking, Playing Tennis, Basketball, Myspacing, Modeling, Acting, Mudding, and Canoeing
This sweet southern girl from Tennessee will show you what sexy means – as you enjoy her hot photos alongside a 66 Mustang GT350 and a 67 Mustang GT 500 – showing you every inch of her gorgeous TOTALLY NAKED BODY. That’s right… BENTLEY LOREN NAKED and waiting for you!!! …and don’t miss her TWO video clips…. As she moves sooooooo smoothly… hips swaying… her gorgeous boobs swaying to the music… her thumbs hooked in the sides of her teeny thong…. And thennnnnnn sliding it down…… down…… down………………………… Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyy .. HOT HOT HOT!!!!! She’s kinda quiet… but the camera turns her on… and SHE WILL TURN YOU ON!!!!!