Emily Addison

DOB: January 5
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Emily Addison considers herself a Southern sweetie with a mischievous side! Fast and Sexy was lucky to catch up with Emily for this sexy photo spread because she loves to travel across America and internationally. She’s been photographed in bondage, NUDE, and in numerous swimsuit spreads. You can find her not only in Fast and Sexy, but also in a HOT copy of Hustler Magazine! She reports that her bondage fetishes are a result of years in Catholic school where the rules and uniforms inspired her to go beyond the norm! When not in front of the camera, Emily says that she spends, Endless hours on the computer playing games, or in the hottest clubs Not afraid to make a fool out of myself! Starting her modeling career in 2004 after being discovered on her Myspace page, she’s never thought about slowing down. You can see Ms. Addison TOPLESS here at Fast and Sexy, but be prepared to have your socks knocked off!